Posted by: Todd Phillips (
  Date: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 at 9:09:39 PM

 When I first arrived in Singapore, I had no idea who the Melwani's were or any of their family history. In fact, it was only later that I would learn that I was partly responsible for a family dispute. See, I had just employed Shabnam to work with me in public relations at MTV's new Singapore headquarters. It did not take long for me to learn that Mr. Melwani had wanted Shabnam to work in the family business, not at some American television company. But it was clear that he wanted to give her a chance to try something on her own and for her to make her own mark in the professional world. That's a brave thing for any father to do, but Mr. Melwani did it with the most incredible display of grace that I had ever witnessed.

The Melwani's immediately opened their home to me and made me feel a welcomed into their family. I remember that straight away, Mr and Mrs Melwani could see how well Shabnam was enjoying her new job. On one of the few occasions I had a private conversation with Mr Melwani, he pulled me aside and thanked me. At first I wasn't sure what for. But soon I realized that he offered his thanks because he relished seeing his beloved daughter happy. It was a beautiful gesture from an obiviously loving father.

I send my deepest condolances to the entire Melwani family. I'll keep you all in my prayers.

With sympathy, Todd Phillips

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